
Initial Deck Cleaning

Initial deck Cleaning

The initial deck cleaning is a must in all installations. It cleans the stains gathered on the construction phase, dust that might come present from the cutting, and it also cleans off the scale that might be present because of concrete's curing process (Scale/Efflorescence). 

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1. The cause.

Pavers are going darker on the border because of the Scale ( trapped moisture ).

Primary efflorescence (or scale) is a natural phenomenon that typically occurs during the initial cure of a cementitious product. It can happen in any cement based product, from concrete benches to planted pots, on bricks or stucco It is common, but easy to treat.


For scale to happen, you need water and salts – already present inside the paver. During the curing process, the salts in the concrete are dissolved by the moisture and capillarity will carry them to the top, causing them to accumulate. That creates a thin invisible barrier called initial scale or primary scale. During the initial curing process (about the first 28 days) calcium can rise to the top forming a transparent film that can trap the some of the H2O from totally evaporating out of the paver. The pavers can then look darker towards the edges and lighter in the center, that looks like a ‘frame’. That ‘transparent film’ is preventing the moisture to dissipate forming the frame.

2. How to prepare the cleaning solution

The initial cleaning process is fast and is highly recommended. It also clean off the dust that might come from the cutting, possible construction staining, and of course, the scale that is trapping the moisture. This will avoid costumer dissatisfaction and maintenance hassles.

Gather your tools

For the solution you will need:

A watering can
Muriatc acid
Dawn liquid soap



It's also important to have:

A Floor brush

Safety Wear (Gloves, Mask, Glasses)
Running Water

Water and Acid proportions:

  7 to 1

For each 7 parts of water use 1 part of Muriatic Acid.

First, mark your watering can. That way, you will always have the right proportion: 
For example a 2 Gal. watering can, you will need 14 cups to make the watermark. Then add 2x cups to make the acid mark.
There, you’re ready to go! You can use this marked watering can to clean all your future jobs!
Always pour the water first to avoid splashes, fill up to your watermarked line. Carefully start adding the amount of acid until it reaches the acid mark, after that, get your Dawn liquid soap and pour it in for about 3 seconds, then mix the solution avoiding splashing it.

3. How to apply the solution

» Test your solution in a inconspicuous area or on a broken paver. Too much acid or leaving the solution for too long will cause the paver to become too rough.

Prepare the area.

Wet the deck in the areas you will be treating with water. The deck should be wet from water prior to treating.

Time to apply.

Begin pouring the Solution on the wet deck with the sprinkling watering can. After applying, brush the area where the solution was applied with a floor brush, and wash it off. It is not necessary to let the solution sit for very long. You also don’t usually need to brush hard. The solution will dissolve the calcium. Make sure you rinse off all of the solution off the deck or it will re-solidify.


Sometimes it is necessary to revisit an area that did not have all the scale removed on the first treatment and redo that area or paver. Simple as that, put it down, brush it, wash it off, and your costumer can enjoy a long-lasting paver installation. 


Untreated Deck
with scale
Treated deck

Treating the deck is safe and highly recommended.

As shown, missing the initial treatment on the installation phase causes the moisture to not be released in the installation process, this occurs when the moisture on the paver are not allowed to cure. Although unlikely (on most installations), not treating the deck on the installation process as shown and recommended, may cause the paver to go darker in the borders and lighter in the center. The Initial Treatment is a must and it is highly recommended, all the guidance is showed above on our video. Please watch the video and follow instructions carefully. Always test your solution in an inconspicuous area.
* Dark color pavers: avoid using muriatic acid on dark colored products as it might alter the color. Instead, choose a cleaner that does not contain muriatic or phosphoric acid for better results.